NOTICE: RCGA no longer uses an “Automatic Player List.”  Instead, Cash App your entry fee by Thursday each week.  Pay Mike Rieras at $shutout190  If you miss the noon Friday cutoff; you must then contact Jimmy Holmes or the designated person authorized to grant enrollment confirmation. 


WHERE: Randolph Oaks (Major)
WHEN: Monday, 19 Jun 2023
SHOTGUN START: 7:30 a.m.


Cash App entry fee to: $shutout190

-         Be prepared to use 2:1 cart ratio



* * Rule Changes * *
* * All groups are expected to complete their round in 4 hours and 10 minutes or less * *


RSVP not later than Friday.

* Annotate first & last name on scorecard

* Single circle birdies & double circle eagles 

* Add & annotate front, back, & total score

* Sign your scorecard; the scorer & attester


As a minimum; arrive to the course at least 50 minutes prior to the shotgun start time.  Allow enough lead time for your

travel to the course of the week so you are not confronted by a scene like the one displayed here.  A parking lot on

the highway; break lights as far as the eye can see!



     Those listed below are expected to play this venue.  Contact Jimmy Holmes if your name is not listed; and you plan to play.

Contact Jimmy Holmes if your name is listed; and you do not plan to play.  Also provide the names of any guest that shall play. 


Here's the current player confirmation list (Be prepared to use 2:1 cart usage ratio exclusively.):


* See tee sheet below once it is posted.



The projected tee sheet shall be posted here Saturday.  Please understand the tee sheet is subject to change.
In addition, there will be occasions that your preferred pairing shall be modified.  Ensure you check the pairings

the night before we play; and check it again the morning that we are set to play.


NOTE: (Click to see pace of play expectations)